We have more than 3500 computers at our online exam centers in Maharashtra and other 6 locations including online exam centers in Nagpur, Amravati, Ahmednagar, Jalgaon, Pune & Mumbai. All our Campus is equipped with Wi-Fi & LAN and WAN connectivity. We maintain a ratio of one computer for every four students. Each assessment center is equipped with more than 1000 computers totaling up to 6000+ machines of latest configuration, 30 servers with power back up of DG set and UPS, unlimited Internet access, equipped with CCTV with proportionate printers and scanners.
All our Campus has the potential to conduct any online exam for our clients successfully. Our online exam center in Nagpur is the most preferred assessment center in central India.
We have been successfully conducting NBE and CAT, GATE exams for the last three years. Our vendors include TCS (ION), Prometric, Merittrac, Sify, Time, Aptech, NSEIT, Panacea, etc. We are also shortlisted for the Prometric APTC center. We have conducted more than 300 online tests successfully for RBI, UPSC, MPSC, CMAT, GPAT, CET, BOI, BOB, PNB, SBI, AIEEE, JEE, JAIIB, NCCS, IBPS, Mahagenco, Mahatransco, Mahavitaran, LIC, AIIMS, DAMS, with more than 75K seats in last 12 months. We have in-house trained staff for invigilation work and an IT support team at our online exam center in Nagpur and other cities of Maharashtra.
We have state of art conference halls, auditorium with a capacity of 150, 250 & 850 seats to conduct seminars, conferences, & other corporate functions. We also have separate cabins to conduct interviews for our clients. We have C-DEEP center and well-furnished library with more than 15000 books, journals and linguistic lab.
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